Thursday 8 October 2015

Ganapathy Pappa Grows By Inch Every Year In Kanipakkam

Kani Means wetland and pakkam means flow of water in to wetland. According this is known as Kanipaakam and the history of the temple there were three brothers and each one had handicap one is Dumd, one is Deaf and other one is Blind they were earning out their livelihood by cultivating a small piece of land.

In olden days water was drawn from the well by way of Piccot System as one of them used to irrigate the field through the channels, the other used to ply on the Piccota. On one such a day they found water was dried from the well and they could no longer cultivate and do their job one of them got into the well and start digging it up. He was taken aback to see  his iron rod hitting a stone like formation later he was shocked to see the blood Was oozing out from it. With in a second the entire water was turn into red blood color. Thus startled by this divine sight all three became normal getting rid of their deformities. As soon as villagers came to know about this miracle they get in to the well and tried to deepen the well further. Their attempt proved they found the swayambhu idol (self manifested) of lord ganesha emerged from the sirling water.

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